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Conserver + UML virtuel machines

Samuel Torton samuel@ncslab.com
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 07:26:15 -0700 (PDT)


I have several physical hosts, each of them hosting several UML virtual
machines. "conserver" is installed on each physical host, so that I can
access my UML virtual machines "uml10", "uml11", etc... with console, such
as in the following exemple:

+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------+
| host1 + conserver | | host2 + conserver | | host3 + conserver |
|                   | |                   | |                   |
| uml10: /dev/ttya0 | | uml20: /dev/ttya0 | | uml30: /dev/ttya0 |
| uml11: /dev/ttya1 | | uml21: /dev/ttya1 | | uml31: /dev/ttya1 |
| uml12: /dev/ttya2 | | uml22: /dev/ttya2 | | uml32: /dev/ttya2 |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------+

For examples:
 - from "host1": I access the "uml11" with "console uml11"
                 (via the ttya1 on host1 physical machine)
 - from "host2": I access the "uml20" with "console uml20"
                 (via the ttya0 on host2 physical machine)
 - from "host3": I access the "uml32" with "console uml32"
                 (via the ttya2 on host3 physical machine)
 - etc...

For the above example, I know how to set up the 3 "conserver.cf" files on
the 3 physical hosts.

Now, I would like to have a "hostmaster conserver" with "conserver"
installed, so that I can access to any UML virtual machine hosted on all
physical nodes, from the hostmaster, such as in the following example:

| hostmaster + conserver |
|                        |
| /dev/ttyp0 -> uml10    |
| /dev/ttyp1 -> uml11    |
| /dev/ttyp2 -> uml11    |
| /dev/ttyp3 -> uml20    |
| /dev/ttyp4 -> uml21    |
| /dev/ttyp5 -> uml22    |
| /dev/ttyp6 -> uml30    |
| /dev/ttyp7 -> uml31    |
| /dev/ttyp8 -> uml32    |
     ^      ^      ^
     |      |      |
     |      |      |
   host1  host2  host3

For examples, from "hostmaster":
 - I access the "uml11" with "console uml11"
   (via the ttyp1 on hostmaster --> ttya1 on host1)
 - I access the "uml20" with "console uml20"
   (via the ttyp3 on hostmaster --> ttya0 on host2)
 - I access the "uml32" with "console uml32"
   (via the ttyp8 on hostmaster --> ttya2 on host3)
 - etc...

I read several documentations found on the web, but I'm a little bit
confused with all the parameter to set in "conserver.cf" config files on
either "hostmaster" or "hostX" (such as "master" paramaters).

Would you have some info or good tips to give me for such a configuration ?

Thanks a lot in advance,